Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tips For Singing And Hitting Those High Notes

Singing is one of the simplest forms of pleasure that most people enjoy both personally and some professionally. There are some great tips for singing that can assist anyone if you are looking to improve your vocal talent whether you are singing in the shower or ready to take the stage!

Here are five easy tips to help your voice and your singing:

1. Be You - We all have seen singers out there who have amazing voices and if you've watched American Idol at any time over that past few years, you've seen some that may not possess that incredible vocal talent.

When you sing, your voice, the style and sound of it, should be yours. Just as you talk with a unique perspective and personality, your singing should sound like "you." Don't be afraid to discover your own style! It's great to learn from the masters but people want to hear what you have to sing not what someone else has already done.

2. Breathing - Your voice is directly affected by how you breathe. So don't be afraid to breathe while you sing. Sometimes songs will have a lot of words and being able to breathe normally while singing will help you sing at your best throughout a song, instead of running out of breath towards the end of a line. Also breathing lets you prepare to grab those higher notes and really let them shine. Power vocalists have a great control over breathing from their diaphragm instead of the shallow breathing that most of use when singing. There are several YouTube videos out there that offer breathing exercises that will allow you to develop good breathing habits while singing. Just be aware if you are holding in your breath to release it and relax while you sing. You'll find you'll be hitting those high notes easier!

3. Let It Out - many people are understandably nervous when they sing if others are around so they tend to suppress the feelings or emotions in a song. When you sing you are telling a story with your voice and words. It may seem awkward at first, but try adding the emotion that the words are trying to describe in the song. Yes, we've all seen singers that are way over the top however they are in the minority. You have an entire range of emotions at your disposal so use them! You can also control the volume of your voice on certain words. You can raise it up to emphasize a powerful moment or to bring it down when the moment is more tender. So let those emotions out the next time you sing a song.

4. Do The Time - If you really want to "up your game" when it comes to vocals, practicing some of the fundamentals regularly goes a long way. Just like someone who wants to improve their golf game or their painting skills, working on the basics and stretching their skills is a must for improvement. Whatever your goals are for your voice, singing regularly and working on your breathing and emotional delivery will add to your talent. If you desire to increase your range and want to go lower and higher with your voice, practicing will only get you there faster! Vocal lessons are a great way to improve your voice and do something for yourself that will provide you enjoyment for you the rest of your life.

5. Take Care - This last tip is just a simple reminder that our bodies, including our vocal cords, are sensitive to many things and can be damaged by neglect or misuse. You probably know that excess in many things can damage your voice. From smoking, to constant drinking, to partying all night and even yelling in large amounts can do some serious damage to your voice and singing ability. So make sure you're aware that if you take care of your body, your voice will be taken care of as well. If you want to be singing for a long time, respect the fact that your vocal chords need some taking care of.

Those a just a few tips that can help you to sing with more ease and confidence. make your songs your own and let the world know that you have a unique voice and something to say. I've enjoyed singing both personally and professionally for many years and it is something I truly enjoy doing everyday and I hope you do to!

Scott Tonkinson enjoys singing both personally and professionally. If you would like to take your singing to a new level and create the voice you've been dreaming of, there are some great options out there online for you to review.

Click below to discover how to sing better.

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