Saturday, July 9, 2011

How Can I Teach Myself To Sing? - It's Easier Than You Think

Many people ask themselves 'how can I teach myself to sing?' as the cost and time associated with learning from a professional instructor is horrendous not to mention the scrutiny you must learn under. How then can you teach yourself such a complex skill to a degree that can make people sit up and listen when you break out in song? Well with the wealth of resources on the internet and a few tips you can easily better your voice.

Firstly there are a few things you can do yourself that will help you develop a good singing voice and expend your range.


If you learn to breath correctly while singing you will go a long way to improving your voice. One issue many people have is that they hold their breath while singing rather than letting the air flow through them. If you do not have enough breath to sing long notes then you need to develop a better breathing. To do this you must draw breath into your diaphragm down at the bottom of your lungs instead of what is called belly breathing or chest breathing it is called diaphragmatic breathing. An exercise you can do for this is to place a hand on your diaphragm and a hand on your chest and breath in and out steadily, while doing this make sure the hand on your chest does not move much at all while the pother hand should be moving with your expanding and retracting diaphragm. Once you can breathe properly and learn how to sing without holding back you can really start to get into it.


While technical skills are vital if you cannot move people with your voice you are not much of a singer. When singing even practicing be emotive, use your whole body and face and limbs to show the emotions you are feeling when you are singing the song. A singer who cannot bring emotion into their voice is like a flame without any heat, it fulfils one criteria but it is not complete.


As simple and clichéd as it sounds practice is vital, it may not make perfect but it does make much, much better! Do not over do it and get a sore throat but sing whenever you can! Sing in the car! Sing in the shower! Sing when making a meal! Make music and singing an every day part of your life and experiment while you do it. You will learn a lot this way and you will become more comfortable with your voice and breathing. Also while practicing if you can use a mirror to sing in front of you can see how you body reacts when you sing, changing slight things with your posture and face when using a mirror can give you remarkable changes in your voice you may not be able to get if you cannot see yourself.

While there are a great many things more than this you can do to learn singing by yourself these is a good start. Then comes the hard bit, the technical skills and training yourself to find the correct pitch and tone and many other detailed and complicated aspects of singing. To teach yourself to sing you now need resources and lucky for you the internet is a great place for these things. How can I teach myself to sing online you ask? Well you could trawl through youtube and various websites but there are an abundance of professional courses out there you can download that give you an amazing wealth of skills that you can use from your own home. Using teach yourself singing software is the only way to get past a certain level of singing you can learn yourself without these resources.

Convinced you can learn to sing without forking over stacks of money and time to an instructor? Want an amazing singing voice that will make people really sit up and listen? If so you need a self learning resource to teach yourself to sing click here to see which product on the market is best for you!

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