Friday, July 8, 2011

5 Ways to Learn to Sing Better

Finding new ways to learn to sing better is an admirable path to follow because no matter what level you are at with your singing there is always more we can discover about this wonderful art to improve out vocal abilities. Here are 5 good ways to help you be a better singer.

1. Posture

Perfecting a good singing posture will help you remain relaxed and help you with your breathing which is a vital part of good singing.

Stand with you feet slightly apart and your arms away from your body to not interfere with breathing and then tilt your head upwards slightly. You can even bend your knees a bit and allow yourself to sway or step in time with the music which will stop you from standing stock still which will not aid you.

2. Breathing

Breathing is the foundation skill of singing. The wind going in an out determines the strength or your voice and the quality of your singing.

Make sure when you breathe you do so with your diaphragm which is located in the lower part of the lung. This will give you more breathe with which to sing and more control of the air as it is being released too.

Also make sure to sing and breathe with a wider mouth than normal and to lower the tongue from the back of the mouth to allow more air to escape and you will not choke your notes.

3. Pitch

Singing in pitch is essential as those who cannot hit pitch perfectly every time are at a major disadvantage when singing.

To get good at pitch you need to practice. If you have a piano or guitar you can play a note then sing to try to match it instantly. Do not just do this note by note though. Sing scales, sing short tunes but also ways practice with a mind to improve your pitch skills.

Another tip you can use when singing to hit pitch is for higher notes light your head and arms a bit. This will elevate your singing pitch just a fraction to help you get there.

4. Practice

As has just been mentioned practice is the price we all must pay to be good at anything we do. No ways to learn to sing better can replace the hard work you need to put in to achieve a change in your skill.

Do not make it boring through. Find ways to make practice fun by mixing in traditional singing practice of scales and so froth with some more fun songs that you love to sing.

5. Passion!

Successful singers are passionate singers. Make sure you always retain a love for singing and make a hobby of singing too. Know your favorite singers; know what singing is about and put time and effort into researching singing.

If you live it, you will become it!

For more information on ways to learn to sing well so you can have a voice that gets attention whether you are an amateur or a professional click below to find out a little known way to teach yourself to sing...

Learn How to Sing Online

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