Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sing Like A Pro With These 8 Tips

Tired of hiding your singing in the shower? When you take your singing outside of the shower does it seem your voice goes all wrong with your voice. There are many exercises and tips out there that you can practice yourself to help improve your singing voice. These tips are all recommended and have been shared by all your singing and vocal instructors.

Tip 1. Learn how to breath- Yes that is correct, you though you knew how to breathe right? Well with singing it requires a different kind of breathing. You need to use and sing and breathe through your diaphragm. To find out if you are doing this properly put your hand on your stomach and inhale. What happens? If your chest expands and not your stomach then you are breathing wrong for singing. Your stomach should expand while you inhale. This way you will use the fullest capacity of your lungs.

Tip 2. Stand correctly - There is a proper way to stand when you sing so this is a good tip to learn and practice if you want to improve your singing and sing your best. Getting proper air flow into your lungs so you can sing out a note is very important. If your singing has been wobbly then perhaps your air flow was being hindered. The correct way to stand is your feet shoulder width apart, meaning your feet and shoulders should be about equal. Your chest, head and chin should all be equally aligned and out straight ahead parallel to the floor too so nothing will obstruct the air flow.

Tip 3. Learn to be relaxed - If you wonder why you crack sometimes it could be that you are tense and nervous. The tightening of the muscles can restrict you from getting your proper air flow and lung fill. This is easier said than done I am sure especially if you are singing in public for the first time.

Tip 4. Avoid diary - Dairy products can cause mucus build up which can irritate your throat and hinder your singing. Whenever you are planning singing it is best to avoid dairy products some days before you sing, or while you are taking lessons.

Tip 5. Drink plenty of water - It is important to drink more water anyway and it is even more important for when you are singing. Keeping your vocal chords lubricated definitely can help with your singing and make you sing better.

Tip 6. Do not strain your voice - It is good to stay within your known singing range. Try not to go outside it that can cause any strain to your voice.

Tip 7. Do vocal warm up every day - Doing vocal warm up of humming and singing music scale. In doing these vocal warm up not only are you preparing your voice for singing you are also strengthening and conditioning your vocal chords into that of a singer.

Tip 8. Invest in a good Singing vocal coach - If you really want to sing amazingly like a professional singer a singing vocal coach is must. Books,computer singing software programs, and tips like these can only help some. We can also sometimes make mistakes and think we sound good and in tune when we are actually not. It is good to let someone who has musically in tuned ears to listen to us and telling how we are sound and where we need corrections.

The author gives singing lessons for beginners. To read more visit

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