Thursday, July 7, 2011

Singing Harmony - Top Tips

Harmony is the key to music and singing harmony is the key to a successful singing career.

Vocalists who are incapable of singing harmony won't be able to sing with musicians, other singers, instruments or recorded music. These singers will embarrass themselves every time that they try to perform because they don't know how. So successfully singing harmony is vital if you want to be a successful vocalist.

Since singing harmony is so important to your career, one of the first things you need to learn as a singer is how to harmonize. Fortunately, there are lots of really good exercises out there that help you master the vital skill of singing harmony.

The first step in learning how to harmonize is one that you've probably already mastered and been using for most your life. Simply listen to music. That's right, sit down and listen to songs. When you listen to music, pay careful attention and try to identify the instruments and notes being used. Listen to the singers and try to figure out which pitches they are using. Have a pad and pen with you and write down the notes and instruments that you think you hear. Taking notes is a great way to develop your powers of concentration.

One great way to improve your listening skills is to listen to a wide variety of music including genres you normally don't listen to. This helps you develop some discipline and teaches you how to pay attention. A good way to learn to harmonize with instruments is to listen to instrumental music. The key to singing harmony is to be able to quickly identify what instrument is being played and synchronize your voice to it.

If you play an instrument like a guitar or the piano, try and sing and play that instrument at the same time. Use that instrument when you practice your singing. This way, you'll get used to singing harmony with an instrument. When you do this, record your practice and listen to it so that you'll be able to tell if you're actually singing harmony.

If you don't play an instrument, you can always sing in harmony to instrumental music when you practice. Simply trying to sing along with instrumental music is a great way of learning to sing harmony.

Since the objective of singing harmony is to learn how to sing with others, whether they are other singers or musicians, sooner or later you'll have to start practicing singing with others. The best way to do this is to join a band or singing group and work with them on a regular basis. If you can't find such a group or band then organize one yourself.

If you want to learn to sing rock, country or jazz the best way of learning singing harmony is with a band. Fortunately, there are lots of bands out there and some of them do work with singers. Amateur or professional bands may let you join them or jam with them especially if you're willing to cover part of the costs.

If you want to learn how to sing in harmony with other singers, there's an almost unlimited amount of singing groups out there. The most common are church choirs which practice on a regular basis and perform in front of a congregation every week.

Sammie Stoyson, Jr is an aspiring third generation singer/ songwriter. He's focused on teaching you how to learn how to sing like a pro. Singing In Harmony is one important facet you must master in order to become a successful singer.

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