Friday, July 8, 2011

How Do You Sing Better In A Way That Will Attract Management?

Many of you are are asking the same questions about how to sing better than you do now, in a way that will attract management.

The right management is a great way to expand your horizons, increase your status and free you up to concentrate on the creative aspects of being a singer, and sometimes can even make you a star. But there are some things you should be aware of before you go diving into this business "relationship" too soon.

Management it in a lot ways like a marriage. It is a contractual business agreement with serious legal financial responsibilities for both parties, so you want to make sure you are ready to be managed, and you've chosen the right person for the role.

Management can make or break your career. If you don't choose right management, it could be the last contract you ever sign so, it's a good idea to check for proper credentials, as well as a record of past successes or past performance, as they apply to managing an artist such as yourself.

Otherwise you'll could very well end up making costly mistakes down the road with a "newbie", inexperienced, unorganized, naive individual learning how to "manage an artist" at the expense of your singing career.

Once you have the right person having good management contract already in place is an absolute necessity, so as to prevent any misunderstandings later.

You might be asking yourself, whether this is the right time to seek management.

But first, ask yourself these questions:

1. Should you be on the look out for management, or should management be looking for you?

2. Are you really ready for management? Do you know how to sing well enough, and do you have the skills that would require the need for management at this time?

3. How do you sing in a way that will draw the right type of management towards you?

4. How do you sing in a way that will bring positive creative opportunities for you?

5. How do you sing a way that will allow you to be choosy about your management, and not have to accept the first manager that comes along out of desperation or fear?

6. Are you are fully prepared to manage your own career, and are you already getting paying gigs

7. Are you well on you way to developing your own personae?

8. Are you booking your own singing performance work?

9. Are you're organized but, just don't have the time to deal with all of the administration etc;?

If you answered yes where applicable, know answers to the questions above and, know how to sing better, and perform in a way that makes you stand out from the rest, you might be readyto consider thinking about management assistance.

* Otherwise you won't know what to ask for

* You'll have no clue of what's being done

* You won' t know or what to expect as an artist

* You won't be able to communicate your needs to your management team

* You might lose your singing career and/or your creative identity in the process...


You will be giving away at least 25% of your income to someone, who doesn't know any more than you do, or does know more than you, but isn't doing what you need them to do for you as an artist, because you don't know how to ask for it. And...If it ends badly you, could end up owing them money and losing your career in the process.

Have I frightened you enough?... Okay, Now that your rose colored glasses have been removed...

Okay, Let's focus on "getting ready" for management"...

Here are 8 questions that you might want to ask yourself BEFORE you even think about looking for management;

How do You sing in a Way that makes a difference?

10. How do you sing in a way that will develop your singing skills so that that you will draw the right type of attention towards you, such as individuals who will be interested in helping you accomplish your goals as an aspiring professional singer?

11. How do you learn how to sing better, and, stand out from the crowd because of knowing how to sing good, well presented songs every time with absolute consistency?

12. How do you sing in a way that will draw positive opportunities towards you including the possibility of attracting the right management?

13. How do you sing better you do now, and develop your craft as a better performer?

14. How do you sing better than every one else and constantly improve your singing so you will always stand out from the crowd?

15. How do you sing better and constantly continue to improve your singing moving you forward in a creatively self motivated way?

16. How do you sing in a way that will fully develop your singing and stage presentation from all perspectives?

Once you have learned how to sing in away that will attract the management you need here are some truths that will put things into perspective;

- A manager can only manage you as well as you can manage yourself. - Your management is only there to advise counsel and guide you. - Management can't perform for you. You have to do that yourself.

The right management can get you to the door and open it, but you have to walk through it and take the opportunity no one else can do that for you.

- Management can only sell you if you are already marketable. - The belief system; "I can't sing on key, but management will set me free" not realistic. - Management works with you, for you, but not as you. You have to bring the goods at the end of the day.

The only way you can really determine who to choose as your manager is by being the person who can fill that position yourself. You must have a clear vision and complete understanding of what you want before you can ask someone else to help you accomplish that goal.

When you learn how to sing better than you can now...

- It will raise your standards, and expectations - You will be more likely to accept management that has capabilities which are a true reflection of your creative and artistic potential.

When you know how to sing like the star that you are, and understand the art of good singing like a well developed artist, who knows how to sing better than everyone else all the time it will...

- Create positive opportunities - Attract the right management - Attract the right gigs, or creative situations

So --Now is the time. to prepare for that moment when you will actually need management.

Are you ready?

In the mean time while your learning how to sing better, and while you are still waiting for management to arrive, ask a friend, or family member, with a good speaking voice and presentation to act as your go between. Tell them what to say, write it down, and get them say it over the phone for you on your behalf.

(A friend of mine managed most of their career that way.)

- The words "My artist needs this, my artist needs that", always sounds better than

"I need this, I need that.."

- Remember... Beyonces' family managed her in the beginning...

And understand that sometimes no management, is better than having bad management. Do you know where to go for advice? Do you have the all the tools? If management came to your door right now would you be ready?

Taking time to, learn how to sing better, can take years, "Shopping" for the wrong courses, using trial and error, winging it. You can have a list of everything you need, and still "mess up" if you don't know how to use it to YOUR benefit.

So -- unless you're a seasoned professional singer with all the gigs you've ever wanted, and all the attention you've ever needed and the proper management in place. this "dream"of being able to learn how to sing better could easily take years to figure out.

I can teach you how to compress that learning curve and SAVE time on this process. So -- now you know the everything you need to know to be able to learn how to sing better.

Now you know what to do in order to sing better than you do now right? This should be a peace of cake...This should be as snap. WRONG. This is just the tip of the ice burg.

How do you sing better than you do now? What you want and what you need is the BEST way to learn the answer to your question how do you sing better in great detail, and step by step.

This JUNO AWARD nominee has a natural style and freedom while singing,
"A mellifluous cross between Sarah Vaughn and Tina Turner...", according to The New York Times.
Learn how to sing better, express your own authentic vocal performance style!
Discover an improved empowered version of you with her exciting new e-course.

Visit for more details, and learn how to sing better today!

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